Time for another toku break. EZ Rider goes to the theater of time and space to discuss the history (and the return of) one of his biggest comedy inspirations, MST3K.
Time for another toku break. EZ Rider goes to the theater of time and space to discuss the history (and the return of) one of his biggest comedy inspirations, MST3K.
35:38 Well, you do have Imagin friends.
I’m not really a MSTie but I have seen a bit of this show because Linkara and MangaKamen seem so fond of it. I guess one could say my own reviewing and comedy style was indirectly inspired by it considering Linkara’s always been my biggest inspiration for my reviews.
This is a great retrospective BTW, I didn’t know a lot of this stuff.
Love that “who’s on first” type joke you used for the credits. Noh, hah funny.
I smell upcoming reviews at the end…
Looking forward for the review, and the review you mention last year.
Fun Fact: Linkara directly mentioned the “Manos The Hands of Fate” episode of MST3K, during one of his Marville Reviews. He also directly mentioned the “Soultaker” episode during his Future Shock Review.
Hope you update soon but I understand that you’re busy so take your time no rush man no rush
I’ve just recently gotten into MST3K with The Return and a couple of the older episodes, but I’m really enjoying it. For the longest time I wasn’t able to get into it because some of the episodes relied pretty heavily on referencial humor, most of which I didn’t get, but I’ve watched some other episodes now and it’s very enjoyable.